Quick Fix Synthetic Urine is an alternative to human urine, as it appears and has similar properties. Common usages include beating various drug tests, medical research, and sometimes pranks. Most of the users get through a drug test as the chemical composition of Quick Fix resembles that of natural human urine. For more details on how to use quick fix plus, check this guide.
In this article, we are going to review Quick Fix Synthetic Urine completely. We are going to go through how effective the product is, ingredients that have gone into making Quick Fix, usage instructions, pros, and cons, keeping customer feedback in mind, and answer some of the most commonly asked questions put by the customers for the same. At the end of this, what we want to do is give you a pretty fair idea of what Quick Fix Synthetic Urine is, how it works, and if or not it is good for you.
Quick Fix is among the major and oldest set-up names in the synthetic urine market. It has managed to create a good name for itself and is considered reliable and effective. The formula has also been developed to outcompete continuous improvements in drug testing technology that made it difficult for low-quality fake urine to pass through. Let me go in-depth with this product that will help you make your mind up.
Quick Fix Synthetic Urine Description
Quick Fix Synthetic Urine is one of the earliest products introduced by Spectrum Labs for beating the urine test. It is a ready-to-use, artificial urine, with a composition similar to human urine. The product has survived in the market for more than 23 years, as one of the most reliable brands of synthetic urine. This product is used widely by those who need to pass a urine drug test quickly and easily due to the fact that natural detoxification may take time. Quick Fix helps one pass urine drug tests for various purposes including pre-employment tests, random workplace drug tests, or probation, and any other reason wherein an individual is required to have a clean drug test result.
What really sets Quick Fix Synthetic Urine apart, however, is how easy it is to use. Other detox methods can be complicated or take up too much time, whereas Quick Fix is straightforward and efficient. That basically means that no special skills or knowledge of using it are required on the part of the user. This product contains all the components found in human urine, like urea, creatinine, and uric acid, which shows it will pass most tests.
Quick Fix is made by Spectrum Labs, a company known to produce quality synthetic products. Spectrum Labs has expert scientists and engineers who have applied their expertise to come up with workable and reliable merchandise for passing a drug test. Their attention to the minute details in the production of effective merchandise has ranked Quick Fix among the most trusted synthetic urine solutions.
Generally, Quick Fix Synthetic Urine is one of the greatest options out there if you want to pass in a simple and quick fashion. Among the many reasons, effectiveness, ease of use, and reputation place Quick Fix among the top preferences by many individuals who seek synthetic urine. Be it a pre-employment test or one that is taken mandatorily by your workplace due to random testing, Quick Fix gets you just the results you are looking for without resorting to tiring detox.
Ingredients and their purpose of Quick Fix Synthetic Urine
Quick Fix Synthetic Urine is made up of several important ingredients combined to create a substance much like real human urine. Each of the various ingredients included in this synthetic urine is there to play a crucial part in making the substance look, feel, and function exactly like natural urine. Many of these ingredients include:
Creatine is one of the compounds present in human urine and necessary to make the urine sample more realistic. Its addition in Quick Fix helps ensure that the synthetic urine does not get flagged as fake by the machines running the tests. For maintaining the chemical balance and uniformity expected in a real urine sample, creatine stands out as a key ingredient. Without its presence, the sample may end up looking a bit too good or “too clean” to pass for real human urine.
Another important compound both Quick Fix and natural human urine share is urea. Urea is a waste product that results from the body’s metabolism of proteins. Adding this to the synthetic urine will guarantee the sample some of the mainstays of human waste. It will make it smell and look more natural and, for this reason, pass a drug test.
Uric Acid
Uric acid is another such compound in human urine that Quick Fix uses. It increases overall chemical composition to something more realistic, if not entirely so. Uric acid is formed as a byproduct of filtering waste, and the inclusion of this compound in synthetic urine guarantees a similar chemical profile to regular human urine.
Specific Gravity
Quick Fix is designed with a realistic specific gravity. Specific gravity means the proportionate ratio of the density of urine to the density of water. It is an important factor since urine has a certain specific gravity that shows the level of concentration. When the synthetic urine becomes too watery or too concentrated, it raises suspicion. Quick Fix matches the natural specific gravity of urine so that the sample could be reliable.
pH Level
Quick Fix Synthetic Urine is formulated within the same range of pH as urine. Normally, the pH of human urine is a little acidic, falling between 4.5 and 8.0. Quick Fix Synthetic Urine keeps this limit so that the synthetic urine will look like real human urine on a test.
These, and many other ingredients, combine to give a fake urine composition very similar in character to human urine. Be it drug testing or medical studies, or whatever other applications one may have, these thoughtfully selected components go a long way in helping the product pass as real, further cementing Quick Fix as truly one of the most dependable synthetic urines in the market.
How to Use the Quick Fix Synthetic Urine
The usage of Quick Fix Synthetic Urine is relatively simple; however, to ensure this sample will be accepted and doesn’t raise suspicion during actual drug testing, one ought to follow instructions to the latter. Here is how one can make effective use of Quick Fix.
The Purchase and Preparation
Purchase Quick Fix directly from the website; this ensures it is a legitimate product. If the purchased order has arrived, carefully unpack the ordered package. Within the box lies the bottle containing synthetic urine together with a temperature strip. With this product, one needs to clearly go through the accompanying instructions.
Heating the Urine
This is one of the most critical steps to observe while using Quick Fix. Ordinary ranges of real urine are usually between 95°F and 100°F. You have to simulate this in the synthetic urine by heating the bottle. You can use a microwave or a heating pad. Do not overheat the product. Overheating may raise suspicion during testing and make the work more complicated.
For a microwave, grab the bottle and start heating in short periods, then shake after every heating so that the temperature is well distributed. When using heating pads, it will take a little bit longer; therefore, you have to be patient and also make sure that you don’t overheat the specimen. The temperature strip in your kit will also help in measuring whether your urine is in the correct temperature ranges.
Shaking the Bottle
Before using synthetic urine, shake its bottle in order to mix the content of it. That is important because the urine has to look as real as possible. Shaking the bottle does not allow any clump to appear in the urine or any separation, which can raise suspicion with the sample.
Temperature Check
After shaking the bottle, use the temperature strip. If the temperature ranges from 95°F to 100°F, then you are good to go. In case it is cold or too hot, you will have to modify the temperature, heat it up a little, or let it cool down.
Pour the Urine
Once the temperature is appropriate, all that you have to do is pour the synthetic urine in the urine collection container that has been provided to you by your testing facility. You must do it discreetly and very carefully in order to avoid suspicion. You are ready for the drug test right after you have poured synthetic urine.
Successive steps that will increase your chances of passing the test are what these are. Keep in mind, it has to be discreet, and the temperature of synthetic urine should be right. The Quick Fix is an easy solution to operate, but for the best result, no minute detail must be underestimated.
Pros and Cons Based on Customer Feedback
If such is a nature of the product, such as Quick Fix Synthetic Urine, much attention should be paid to its advantages and disadvantages alike. So, here is a review of all the pros and cons based on customer feedback:
Pros of Quick Fix Synthetic Urine:
- Two-Year Shelf Life: The major plus about Quick Fix Synthetic Urine is its tremendously long shelf life: two years. This is the point that makes this merchandise so wanted by individuals who would like to buy this product in advance and then have it ready whenever necessary. Be that preparation for an unsupervised drug test or just a desire to have one bottle with you, Quick Fix stays valid for a pretty long time. As such, this product is convenient for individuals who cannot predict exactly when they might need one but want to be ready.
- Reasonable Price: Being synthetic urine, Quick Fix is a pretty cost-friendly product compared with other similar products in the market. This makes it an attractive choice for people with a budget but still seeking a solution that really works. Other brands may charge costlier for synthetic urine, but Quick Fix provides an economic alternative that isn’t a compromise on quality. A combination of high quality and affordability features Quick Fix as one of the preferred choices among many users.
- Realistic Outlook and Chemical Composition: Quick Fix Synthetic Urine is designed to be a perfect mock of real human urine. The color, smell, and chemical composition are all identical to natural urine, making it look and feel just like the real thing. Due to the fact that this Quick Fix is so realistic, it would raise a lot less suspicion if used in a drug test since it resembles natural urine in appearance and chemical composition. This is actually one of the very important features in ensuring that this product passes under the scrutinizing eyes of laboratory technicians or testing equipment.
- Easy-to-Follow Instructions: One of the most crucial reasons why Quick Fix can be as friendly to its users as possible is that it contains clear and simple instructions on how to use it. Whether a first-time user or one who has had previous experiences using synthetic urine, the ease with which one can follow the guide means that one should have little or no problems using the product. All steps required, from heating the urine to checking its temperature, are included, reducing stress and making the procedure easier to conduct.
- Microwave-Safe Bottle Design: Quick Fix comes in a microwave-safe bottle, which is a feature that has been found to be very vital to many clients. An indispensable part of the preparation process requires that the synthetic urine be heated up to the proper temperature; this microwave-safe product thus assures ease and safety in warming the product up. This convenience adds to the appeal for individuals who might not have as much time to prepare for a drug test.
Cons of Quick Fix Synthetic Urine:
- Heating Issues: Some gripe about heating Quick Fix to the right temperature. On the product, there is a temperature strip for accuracy, but this has been proved to be somewhat hard for some people. If it is too cold or too hot, it may become subject to detection as fake at the test facility. It usually happens because of lousy attention to the heating instructions, but yet it can prove to be yet another problem for the people who do not have any prior experience in using synthetic urine.
- Detection by Advanced Testing Facilities: The fact that modern technologies of drug testing keep changing unceasingly also is a weakness. In this respect, some testing facilities can detect synthetic urine. Indeed, Quick Fix is a premium-grade product, but there is always a possibility that it fails to pass under specific tests using advanced technologies. Some laboratories implement special tactics in identifying fake urine. It makes it more and more difficult for people to rely on synthetic urine. Indeed, that has been a problem situation for those individuals who seek to use Quick Fix in strictly regulated surroundings.
In sum, there are several advantages with Quick Fix Synthetic Urine: it has a very long shelf life, is affordable, and appears like real urine. The disadvantages include heating problems and the evolution of better drug testing abilities. With that said, here is a look at the pros and cons with Quick Fix.
FAQs about Quick Fix Synthetic Urine
Many have a lot of questions concerning Quick Fix Synthetic Urine before attempting to use the product. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions, followed by clear and direct answers to give you a further understanding of the product:
How Long Does Quick Fix Synthetic Urine Last?
Quick Fix has a two-year shelf life if properly stored. Because of this long shelf life, Quick Fix is designed to be convenient for storing just in case an unexpected drug test arises. For effectiveness, it is always good to keep the bottle in a cool, dry place.
Will Quick Fix Synthetic Urine Work For Every Type Of Drug Test?
Quick Fix was formulated similar to human urine and should work for most urine drug tests. However, some higher-end testing facilities do have methods in detecting synthetic urine, so there’s no guarantee it will work for all tests. You need to know the facility and whether the laboratory contains technology that can detect fake urine.
How would I identify whether the synthetic urine is in the right temperature?
Quick Fix has this strips that allow checking on the temperature of the urine to show whether it’s within the best temperature, ranging between 95°F and 100°F. This is considered the optimum range wherein the contents are fit for passing a drug test. Temperatures above or below this may raise eyebrows hence the need for great caution while heating the urine and checking out the temperature before submitting.
What if I fail to get the temperature right?
Users have been there when they find it hard to manage to heat up the synthetic urine to the right temperature. At this point, adhere to the heating instructions presented to the letter. Using a heating pad gives you better control of the temperature. If you have those doubts of being prepared, it’s always wise to do some practice on heating the product before your test.
Is Quick Fix Synthetic Urine Safe to use?
Yes, Quick Fix is safe if done properly. It’s designed keeping users’ safety in mind, and the bottle is even microwave-safe so heating will be pretty safe and easy. However, discretion in usage and adherence to all the instructions will definitely help you get through the test without any problem.
Can I Reuse Quick Fix Synthetic Urine?
No, Quick Fix is not reusable. Once you are done using it in a drug test, the bottle must be discarded. It’s designed to serve your purpose at one time, and using it more than once is something which shall not be done or expected. Keep the next replacement ready for whenever you need synthetic urine in the future.
Will Quick Fix Synthetic Urine be detected by a Lab Technician?
Although Quick Fix is designed and formulated to look and feel just like natural urine, some high-quality testing labs are going to administer tests specifically intended to uncover fake urine. Certain labs might have specialized equipment and tools for the detection of synthetic compounds not present in normal urine. In case your test goes to one of those utilizing such technology, there is some possibility that Quick Fix could potentially be detected.
Summing Up Briefly
Quick Fix Synthetic Urine has been one of the most usable products, enabling people to pass the urine test by providing a simulated substitute for real human urine. Its popularity is derived from its ease of use, it’s affordable, and its reliable composition, similar in chemical makeup to natural urine. The product comes in handy for individuals requiring a fast and secretive way of passing drug tests due to various circumstances such as pre-employment tests, tests at work, or due to conditions related to probation.
Advantages include a very long shelf life of up to two years; the product looks real and comes with very clear, easy-to-follow instructions. It is cheaper than many other brands of synthetic urine, which makes this product more accessible to a lot of people. Amongst the essentials included in Quick Fix that ensure the synthetic urine passes the visual and chemical tests conducted during a drug test are urea, creatine, and uric acid.
Overall, Quick Fix Synthetic Urine is a rather surefire and cost-effective method for passing drug tests; however, consumers should not expect it to work perfectly in highly controlled environments with advanced testing technology. If all instructions are followed and the product applied well, Quick Fix has satisfied people in need of a synthetic urine solution.