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Cannabis | Addiction Treatment Strategies

Talks With Teens Leads to Less Marijuana Use


Talks With Teens Lea…

Marijuana is the most prevalent illicit drug used by teenagers and adults around the world. Nearly a third of high school students in the United States report smoking it, and most high schoolers say they have access to the drug.
To many people, smoking pot is no big deal. They cite reasons…


New Data Shows Average Age of First Use Dropping;
White House Drug Policy Director Warns of Consequences of Rising Teen Marijuana Use
Washington, DC—Gil Kerlikowske, Director of National Drug Policy (ONDCP), today alerted parents to the heightened dangers of marijuana use that has risen…

How Marijuana Affects the Way the Brain Processes Emotional Information


How Marijuana Affect…

ScienceDaily —
Drugs like marijuana act on naturally occurring receptors in the brain called cannabinoid receptors. However, the mechanisms by which these drugs produce their sensory and mood altering effects within the brain are largely unknown. Research led by Steven Laviolette at The…

Marijuana Use May Hu…

those using marijuana scored approximately one third lower than non-users


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