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Drug Overdose | Addiction Treatment Strategies

Heroin overdose deat…

The death of a man this week in East Alton potentially is the 22nd fatal heroin overdose of 2011, a number four times greater than what Madison County saw just four years ago, the coroner said Tuesday.
“In 2008, we had five cases; in 2009, seven; in 2010, 18,” Coroner Stephen Nonn…

Unintentional Drug O…

While motor vehicle traffic accidents continue to be the leading cause of unintentional deaths in the United States (comprising 42,031 or 34% of all such deaths in 2007), drug overdose deaths have been rapidly increasing. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were…

Unintentional Overdo…

An examination of unintentional overdose deaths in West Virginia, a state that has experienced one of the highest increases in the rate of drug overdose deaths, finds that the majority of these were associated with the nonmedical use and diversion of pharmaceuticals, primarily pain…

Narcotic Pain Relief…

Unintentional overdose deaths in teens and adults have reached epidemic proportions in the U.S. In some 20 states in 2007 the number of unintentional drug poisoning deaths exceeded either motor vehicle crashes or suicides, two of the leading causes of injury death. Prescription opioid pain…

“The numbers I see of people dying of heroin on a given day, I might have four people dead in my morgue. On one day.”


“The numbers I…

“The numbers I see of people dying of heroin on a given day, I might have four people dead in my morgue. On one day.”

Deaths from Rx Paink…

Between 1997 and 2007, unintentional injury jumped 21% among patients ages 25 to 44, with poisoning — which includes drug overdose — accounting for 42% of those deaths in 200

Drug abuse first aid

Printed from the University of Maryland Medical Center website at
Drug abuse first aid
Definition of Drug abuse first aid:
Drug abuse is the misuse or overuse of any medication or drug, including alcohol. This article discusses first aid for drug overdose and…