Does Exercise Really…
posted by admin
There exists a large and soothing body of scientific literature suggesting that regular exercise can improve someones mood and fight anxiety. And then there is this experiment from Germany, in which researchers placed running wheels in the cages of a group of laboratory mice and let…
Your Brain is Beauti…
posted by Addiction Treatment Strategies
Posted By Barry Ritholtz
In Science,Weekend |
From the NYT, these electron microscopy photos are strangely beautiful:
The last few decades have produced an explosion of new techniques for probing the blobby, unprepossessing brain in search of the thinking, feeling, suffering, scheming…
Lasting Brain Change…
posted by Addiction Treatment Strategies
Lasting Brain Changes Discovered In Underage Binge Drinkers
Experts agree that adolescence marks a critical period for brain development. New research shows that binge-drinking teens risk lasting brain changes that could affect their lives as adults.
Adolescents represent the majority of…
Brain mechanism link…
posted by Addiction Treatment Strategies
Brain mechanism linked to relapse after cocaine withdrawal
Addictive drugs are known to induce changes in the brains reward circuits that may underlie drug craving and relapse after long periods of abstinence. Now, new research, published by Cell Press in the September 9 issue of the…
Mindfulness Meditati…
posted by Addiction Treatment Strategies
Mindfulness Meditation Training Changes Brain Structure in Eight Weeks
ScienceDaily (Jan. 21, 2011) Participating in an 8-week mindfulness meditation program appears to make measurable changes in brain regions associated with memory, sense of self, empathy and stress. In a …
First direct evidenc…
posted by Addiction Treatment Strategies
First direct evidence that response to alcohol depends on genes: Dopamine receptor deficiency leads to significant brain changes in response to drinking
ScienceDaily A study in mice provides the first experimental evidence to directly support the idea that genetic differences make…
Alcoholics Overestim…
posted by admin
Alcoholics Overestimate Their Ability to Recall Things: Study
They may believe their memory is as good as non-alcoholics, but tests show otherwise
URL of this page: (*this news item will not be available after 11/25/2010)
By …
Most Popular Posts F…
posted by Addiction Treatment Strategies
Most Popular Posts For The Past Two Weeks
1) Meditation for Addiction
2) Chronic drinking can disrupt circadian rhythms
3) Mental Health and Substance Abuse Statistics
4) Panic Attacks From Alcohol Understanding the Cause
5) Teenage amphetamine abuse affects adult brain cell…
Why Cocaine is So Ad…
posted by Addiction Treatment Strategies
Why cocaine is so addictive: Activation of specific neurons linked to alterations in cocaine reward
ScienceDaily (2010-10-18) Researchers have discovered how cocaine corrupts the brain and becomes addictive. The findings the first to connect activation of specific neurons to…
Teenage amphetamine …
posted by Addiction Treatment Strategies
Teenage amphetamine abuse affects adult brain cell function
ScienceDaily Amphetamine abuse during adolescence permanently changes brain cells, according to new animal research. The study shows drug exposure during adolescence, but not young adulthood, altered electrical properties of…
Study Pinpoints Mole…
posted by Addiction Treatment Strategies
Study Pinpoints Molecular Mechanism That Causes Teens To Be Less Sensitive To Alcohol Than Adults
02 Dec 2010
Researchers have known for years that teens are less sensitive than adults to the motor-impairing effects of alcohol, but they do not know exactly what is happening in the brain that…