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Pharmaceutical Drug | Addiction Treatment Strategies

Army Takes Steps to …

Following a 2010 report on health promotion, risk reduction and suicide prevention in the Army that cites prescription drug abuse as a growing issue, the Army is making changes to reduce the misuse of prescription pain medications.
Prescription drug abuse in the military mirrors a growing…

Our first guest blog…

Why do people self medicate
By Wendell J Montney at Kairos Healthcare
Please visit Mr. Montney’s Site for more information at
Self medication is a theory about why people use drugs. It is not the only theory and it may not be the best explanation of why…

Hospitalizations fro…

Hospitalizations from prescription drugs increase 98% in 5 years!
Below is an article on prescription abuse and misuse in the U.S.  The numbers are startling.  If we want to begin to cut health care costs we need to reign in the pharmaceutical industry and their aggressive…

Drugmakers, academics join up on mental illness


Drugmakers, academic…

Mental health
Drugmakers, academics join up on mental illness
By Kate Kelland
LONDON – Nine major pharmaceutical companies have agreed to pool data on drug trials with academic institutions in an effort to improve ways of developing of new medicines to treat…