Adolescent Binge Drinking Can Damage Spatial Worki…
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Binge or heavy episodic drinking is prevalent during adolescence, raising concerns about alcohols effects on crucial neuromaturational processes during this developmental period. Heavy alcohol use has been associated with decrements in cognitive functioning in both adult and adolescent populations, particularly on tasks of spatial working memory (SWM). This study examined gender-specific influences of binge drinking on SWM, finding that female teens may be particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of heavy alcohol use.
Results will be published in the October 2011 issue of Alcoholism: Clinical &…
Rural underage binge drinkers put their health at …
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p5rn7vb Rural underage binge drinkers put their health at risk
Binge drinking is often considered to be a problem of towns and cities but new research published in BioMed Centrals open access journal BMC Public Health shows that binge drinking in rural areas is more of a problem than previously thought.
Dr Carolin Donath, from the Psychiatric University Clinic Erlangen, looked at the drinking patterns of over 44,000 15 and 16 year olds in Germany and found that more than 93% of the young people from the countryside and over 86% of those from urban areas had tried alcohol. Of the adolescents who had drunk alcohol in the last month, 78%…
Family influence on …
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Parents expressed a desire to teach their children about both the positive and negative effects of alcohol and felt that it was best learnt in the home not at school. The report notes that whilst public drinking cultures have changed, parenting approaches to alcohol have not changed. Part of…
Heavy Drinking In Older Teenagers: Long-Term And S…
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In a systematic review of current evidence published in PLoS Medicine, the authors-Jim McCambridge from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, UK, and colleagues-conclude that there is enough evidence to recommend that reducing drinking during late adolescence is likely to be important for preventing long-term adverse consequences of drinking, as well as protecting against more immediate harms.
Although there is an urgent need for better studies in this area, research to
date provides some evidence that high alcohol consumption in late adolescence
often continues into adulthood and is associated with long-term…