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DBT | Addiction Treatment Strategies

Brief meditative exercise helps cognition

Some of us need regular amounts of coffee or other chemical enhancers to make us cognitively sharper. A newly published study suggests perhaps a brief bit of meditation would prepare us just as well.
While past research using neuroimaging technology has shown that meditation techniques can promote significant changes in brain areas associated with concentration, it has always been assumed that extensive training was required to achieve this effect. Though many people would like to boost their cognitive abilities, the monk-like discipline required seems like a daunting time commitment and financial cost for this…

Excellent Article on DBT and Addiction… Please Read


Excellent Article on DBT and Addiction… Plea…

Written By: Alan Downs, Ph.D.
Topic: Chemical Dependency.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy — or as it is most commonly known, DBT — has become an acclaimed, evidence-based therapy for individuals struggling with a co-occurring disorders. The evidence to support the use of DBT in substance dependence treatment is growing and recognized by prominent authorities in the field, such as SAMHSA (2008 Science and Service award was given to a DBT program based in Portland, Oregon) and NIDA (published a paper recommending the use of DBT with co-occurring disorders).
The incredible value that DBT brings to the treatment of co-occurring disorders…

Breathing Meditation…

Breathing Meditations.
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