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Buprenorphine | Addiction Treatment Strategies

Suboxone Abuse Worri…

Abuse of Suboxone, a drug used to treat addiction, is a growing concern among Vermont corrections officials.
The Burlington Free Press reports that the drug, prescribed on an outpatient basis for addiction to heroin and prescription painkillers, such as oxycodone, is being diverted by the very…

Opioid Addiction And…

In the United States today, there are more than two million jail and prison inmates, of whom about 15 percent have histories of heroin dependence. Few inmates receive drug abuse treatment while incarcerated or immediately upon release. Research has shown that this population, once released…

Nearly All ER Visits…

There were an estimated 1,199 emergency department (ED) visits related to the accidental ingestion of buprenorphine in 2009—more than double the number of visits in 2008 and representing 5% of all buprenorphine-related ED visits in 2009 (see CESAR FAX, Volume 20, Issue 26). According to data…

Office-Based Bupreno…

Abstinence and recovery characterised by employment are priority UK policy objectives to which the extension of mutual aid is considered a major route. This US study illustrates that both the route and the objectives are not just compatible with, but may be promoted by opiate maintenance…


More than half of buprenorphine-related emergency department visits in the U.S. are for nonmedical use of the drug, according to data from the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN). Of the estimated
23,450 emergency department visits in 2009 in which buprenorphine was involved as either a direct…

Law Enforcement-Seiz…

The estimated number of buprenorphine drug items secured in law enforcement operations and analyzed by state and local forensic laboratories has increased dramatically since 2003, according to data from National Forensic Laboratory Information System (NFLIS). NFLIS, a Drug Enforcement…


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