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Oxycontin | Addiction Treatment Strategies

Academics PROFIT By Making the Case for Opioid Pai…

Academics PROFIT By Making the Case for Opioid Painkillers
As an epidemic of narcotic painkiller abuse raged across America in 2006, researchers at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a medical journal report connecting deaths from those drugs to up to a 500% increase prescriptions.
In that same journal, a couple of officials with a little-known group at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health took issue with the paper, issuing their own warning against any attempt to increase regulation of the drugs.
But the article from the UW group did not disclose that over the last decade or so, as this…

Reformulation of OxyContin Has Increased Abuse of Other Narcotics


Reformulation of Oxy…

Now that OxyContin has been reformulated to make the opioid harder to snort, inject or chew, The New York Times reports that demand for other narcotics has increased.
OxyContin is designed to slowly release its main ingredient, oxycodone, over the course of 12 hours. But after it was…