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Pathways to addiction | Addiction Treatment Strategies

Addiction to painkillers hobbles more patients

Nichole Marie Case unwittingly became dependent on opioid pain drugs. She’s not alone.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse estimated in 2008 that 1.85 million people in the United States were dependent on or abusing prescription opioids, also known as Schedule II painkillers.
Americans make up 4.6 percent of the world’s population, but we use 80 percent of the global supply of opioids and 99 percent of the global supply of hydrocodone.
Deaths from prescription drug overdoses have become the second-leading cause of accidental deaths nationwide, behind car accidents, and the leading cause in some states, says the U.S. Centers for…

OxyContin is the opi…

Now, the rate of prescription drug abuse is outpacing abuse of cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens and meth combined, analysis shows.

Early substance misuse continues into middle age

Adolescents who misuse alcohol and drugs are at increased risk of continued misuse well into middle age. They are also at increased risk of experiencing mental health problems, accidents, physical health problems, premature death, financial problems, and suicide attempts. These are the results of a doctoral thesis presented by Yasmina Molero Samuelson at the Center for Psychiatric Research (CPF), Karolinska Institutet.
In the present thesis, Yasmina Molero Samuelson has followed two large cohorts of adolescents for several decades. These cohorts received treatment for substance misuse at a clinic in Stockholm, Sweden during two time…

Addictive Substance:…

A legal, natural and addictive substance called kratom is becoming increasingly popular in South Florida, according to a news report. Kratom comes from the leaf of a tree grown in Southeast Asia, WPTVreports.
According to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), kratom is…

Abuse Of Painkillers…

No child aspires to a lifetime of addiction.
But their brains might. In new research to appear online in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology this week, Rockefeller University researchers reveal that adolescent brains exposed to the painkiller Oxycontin can sustain lifelong and permanent…