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Cognitive behavioral therapy – Addiction Treatment Strategies | Addiction Treatment Strategies

Motivation to Change…

People seeking help for their alcohol or other drug problems enter treatment with very different levels of motivation to change. Differences in motivation appear to make a critical difference in which patients seek, comply with, and complete treatment. Findings from a study of the extent to…

When Substance Abuse Leads to Anxiety


When Substance Abuse…

Substance abuse can lead to anxiety disorders, and vice versa. Either way, both problems need to be managed and treated together.
While substance abuse is serious enough on its own, users run the additional risk of developing an anxiety disorder as a side effect of abusing drugs or alcohol….

Mood Swings of Bipol…

The future mood swings of people with bipolar disorder can be predicted by their current thoughts and behaviour, a study published April 19, 2011 has found.
Psychologists from the Universities of Manchester and Lancaster say their findings are important because they mean talking therapies,…

Top Posts (the past …

Top Posts (the past week)
Your Mind Is a Great Thing to Lose
Is Your Child a Binge Drinker?
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Addiction
Helping kids learn to make better choices (about drinking)
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
Alcohol And Marijuana Were The Most Commonly Abused Substances By…

Cognitive Behavioral…

How is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Used to Treat Addiction
CBT is an approach used to deal with substance abuse. It starts with the assumption that faulty thinking patterns are the addict‘s real problem.
When it comes to dealing with addiction problems there are a number of treatment…

Substance Abuse and Anxiety


Substance Abuse and …

Substance Abuse
Moderate alcohol consumption—a glass of wine with dinner or a few drinks at a party—is no cause for concern for many people.
However those with anxiety disorders may find that alcohol or other substances can make their anxiety symptoms worse. And they are two to three…

Combining High-Yield…

Psychiatric Times.Vol. 27No. 10
By Jesse H. Wright, MD, PhD and Michael E. Thase, MD |November 2, 2010
Dr Wright is professor in the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Louisville School of Medicine in Kentucky. Dr Thase is professor in the department of…

Counseling and Addic…

Counseling and Addiction
Kicking the prescription drug abuse habit — or any other addiction — is a major accomplishment. But for most people with opioid addiction, detox is only the beginning of a long-term battle against craving and relapse.
Counseling is an essential part of drug…