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Legal drinking age | Addiction Treatment Strategies

Age at which teens h…

…findings of the 22nd annual Partnership Attitude Tracking Study (PATS), released by The Partnership at and MetLife Foundation earlier this month, echo the reality that substance abuse treatment professionals see every day. The study shows that underage drinking has become…

Adult-Supervised Dri…

ScienceDaily  — Allowing adolescents to drink alcohol under adult supervision does not appear to teach responsible drinking as teens get older. In fact, such a “harm-minimization” approach may actually lead to more drinking and alcohol-related consequences, according to a new…

Underage Drinking So…

Underage Drinking Soars on New Year’s Day
Overconsumption, Accidents, Injuries Send Hundreds of Underage Drinkers to the Emergency Room
By Bill Hendrick
WebMD Health News Reviewed by Laura J. Martin, MDDec. 30, 2010 –
Underage drinking is a major problem in the U.S., but it worsens on…