Hooked Via Prescript…
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If you want to know how people become addicted and why
they keep using drugs, ask the people who are addicted.
Thirty-one of 75 patients hospitalized for opioid
detoxification told University at Buffalo physicians they
first got hooked on drugs legitimately prescribed for
pain. Another 24…
Substance Misuse In …
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For The NHS must wise up to the growing
problem of drug and alcohol misuse among older
people, according to a new report published today by the
Royal College of Psychiatrists. The report, written by the
Older Peoples Substance Misuse Working Group of the
Royal College of…
Army Takes Steps to …
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Following a 2010 report on health promotion, risk
reduction and suicide prevention in the Army that cites
prescription drug abuse as a growing issue, the Army is
making changes to reduce the misuse of prescription pain
medications. Prescription drug abuse in the military
mirrors a growing…
How can I report dru…
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Please report the sale of drugs on the Internet or emails
advertising the sale of drugs to the following agencies:
the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), the Drug
Enforcement Administration (DEA) Diversion Control
Program, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (for
Ya Think?! Study Rev…
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As prescription drug abuse reaches epidemic proportions, a
recent study reports disturbingly low monitoring rates for
patients taking powerful prescription drugs. Only 8
percent of patients taking opioid pain medications are
screened by their doctor. Fewer than half (49.8 percent)
see their…
Combating Misuse and…
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Content provided by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Pharmacologist Michael Klein, Ph.D., is director of the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Controlled Substance
Staff. During more than 30 years of federal service, he
has amassed extensive experience with issues related to