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Cirrhosis | Addiction Treatment Strategies

Alcoholic Liver Dise…

Alcoholic liver disease is damage to the liver and its function due to alcohol abuse.
See also:
Bleeding varices
Hepatic encelphalopathy
Reference from A.D.A.M.
Liver disease due to alcohol; Cirrhosis or hepatitis – alcoholic;…

Genetic Variation Li…

Genetic Variation Links Alcoholics And Liver Cirrhosis In Caucasians
A new study by German researchers found that a variation in the PNPLA3 (adiponutrin) gene was associated with cirrhosis of the liver and elevated transaminase (liver enzyme) levels in alcoholic Caucasians. The risk of…

Genetics may determine sensitivity to other people’s drinking behavior


Genetics may determi…

Can I buy you a drink? Genetics may determine sensitivity to other people’s drinking behavior
ScienceDaily  – Your friend walks into a bar to meet you for happy hour. He sidles up to the bar and orders a drink — does that make you more likely to get a drink yourself?…