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Addiction Treatment Strategies | Alcohol and Drug Addiction Outpatient Treatment

New Hope for Treatment of Cocaine Addiction


New Hope for Treatme…

 — New discoveries by researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) offer potential for development of a first-ever pharmacological treatment for cocaine addiction.
 A common beta blocker, propranolol, currently used to treat people with hypertension and anxiety, has shown to…

Office-Based Buprenorphine Maintenance Therapy


Office-Based Bupreno…

Abstinence and recovery characterised by employment are priority UK policy objectives to which the extension of mutual aid is considered a major route. This US study illustrates that both the route and the objectives are not just compatible with, but may be promoted by opiate maintenance…

Mechanism in Transit…

A team of Scripps Research Institute. This finding opens the door to the development of drugs to manage excessive alcohol consumption.
 ”Our focus in this study, like much of our lab’s research, was to examine the role of the brain’s stress system in compulsive alcohol…

Stress and Alcohol &…

Acute stress is thought to precipitate alcohol drinking. Yet the ways that acute stress can increase alcohol consumption are unclear. A new study investigated whether different phases of response to an acute stressor can alter the subjective effects of alcohol. Findings indicate bi-directional…

Adolescent Binge Dri…

Binge or “heavy episodic” drinking is prevalent during adolescence, raising concerns about alcohol’s effects on crucial neuromaturational processes during this developmental period. Heavy alcohol use has been associated with decrements in cognitive functioning in both adult…

Response To Various Factors Contribute to Adolescent Drinking


Response To Various …

A low level of response (LR) to alcohol is one of several genetically influenced characteristics that may increase an individual’s risk for heavy drinking and alcohol problems. A new study has confirmed key elements of a LR-based model of risk through examination of a large sample of…

Hooked Via Prescript…

If you want to know how people become addicted and why they keep using drugs, ask the people who are addicted.
 Thirty-one of 75 patients hospitalized for opioid detoxification told University at Buffalo physicians they first got hooked on drugs legitimately prescribed for pain.
Another 24…

Research Offers Hope For Treatment Of Cocaine Addiction


Research Offers Hope…

New discoveries by researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) offer potential for development of a first-ever pharmacological treatment for cocaine addiction.
A common beta blocker, propranolol, currently used to treat people with hypertension and anxiety, has shown to be…

‘New Ecstasy&..

Scientists at Anglia Ruskin University have revealed for the first time the serious long-term health risks associated with Benzylpiperazine (BZP), dubbed the “new ecstasy”.
BZP was a popular legal high before it was reclassified as a controlled substance in December…

Behavioral Problems …

Cortisol, the so-called stress hormone, seems to behave in contradictory ways in children. Some youngsters with behavioral problems have abnormally high levels of cortisol, while others with identical problems have abnormally low levels. What’s going on?
 Researchers at Concordia…