Adolescent alcohol u…
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For the DNA analysis, variations in two different genes
were examined: the dopamine D2 receptor gene (DRD2) that
is involved in the reward pathway, and the serotonin
transporter gene (SLC6A4), which plays a role in emotional
states. The results showed that the risk allele of the
Substance Misuse In …
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For The NHS must wise up to the growing
problem of drug and alcohol misuse among older
people, according to a new report published today by the
Royal College of Psychiatrists. The report, written by the
Older Peoples Substance Misuse Working Group of the
Royal College of…
55 Percent Increase …
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A new national study shows that from 2005 to 2009 there
was a 55 percent increase in emergency department visits
for drug related suicide attempts by men aged 21 to 34
from 19,024 visits in 2005 to 29,407 visits in
2009. In 2009, there were a total of 77,971 emergency
Heavy Drinking In Ol…
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In a systematic review of current evidence published in
PLoS Medicine, the authors-Jim McCambridge from the London
School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, UK, and
colleagues-conclude that there is enough evidence to
recommend that reducing drinking during late
The Power of Situati…
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The popular, formerly caffeinated, fruity alcoholic
beverage, Four Loko, has been blamed for a spike in
alcohol-related hospitalizations, especially throughout
college campuses. Initially, caffeine was deemed the
culprit and the Food and Drug Administration ordered all
traces of caffeine to be…
Needing But Not Rece…
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Past Year Perceived Need for and Effort Made to Receive
Specialty Treatment among Persons Aged 12 or Older Needing
But Not Receiving Treatment for Illicit Drug or Alcohol
Use: 2009 The number and the percentage of youths aged 12
to 17 who needed treatment for an illicit drug or
Heavy alcohol use su…
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Heavy alcohol use suggests a change in normal cognitive
development in adolescents ScienceDaily (2010-10-20)
Adolescence and puberty is a period of significant
development in the brain. New findings indicate that
excessive alcohol use selectively damages the frontal
lobe, which is…
DBT fits well in add…
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DBT fits well in addiction treatment by Nicholas A. Roes,
PhD Well order now what they ordered then, Cause
everything old is new again Everything Old Is New Again,
Peter Allen and Carole Bayer Sager DBT is a relatively
new construct being used as the wrapping for some…
Alcohol Abuse Makes …
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Those under age 25 are particularly vulnerable to dual
abuse. BY ELIZABETH ASHTON, NIDA Notes Staff Writer Men
and women with alcohol use disorders (AUDs) are 18 times
more likely to report nonmedical use of prescription drugs
than people who dont drink at all, according to…
Rehab Ignorance
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Warren Ruda / The Citizens Voice Neighbors are
concerned about the Salvation Army moving into the former
Valley Crest Nursing Home site in Plains Township. On
Friday, Salvation Army spokesman Tim Raines said some of
the concerns the residents have about the site are not…